As part of our sustainability strategy, we have committed to offsetting the CO2 emissions generated by the necessary business travel.
To this end, we have initiated a reforestation project in Nachikuppam in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. On a fallow area of about 8.5 hectares, a species-rich forest is being created with up to 10,000 trees.
After only five years, they decompose up to 80 tonnes of CO2 and after ten years up to 310 tonnes of the harmful greenhouse gas.
The location for the reforestation project is directly linked to the sustainable product line "Good Textiles", which is made of Indian organic cotton.
"During our audits, the ecologically working farmers told us about rainfall of unknown magnitude that has been accumulating in recent years," says Ralf Hellmann, Managing Director of Dibella. Rivers are overflowing their banks at an unimaginable speed and flooding the surrounding fields. "Climate change has arrived in India. With our forest project, we therefore want to actively contribute to climate and environmental protection on site."
After completion of the preparatory work at the beginning of 2018, already
4,000 tree seedlings have already been planted.
Within the planned project duration, another one thousand young trees are to be added each year. The planting of these trees and the care of the forest is in the hands of the Baireshan farming family, who come from the region, and this generates additional income for them.
The forest is growing nicely - during our regular visits on site we see the trees planted by us personally, which are provided with individual name tags, growing and thriving.
Unfortunately, there are setbacks from time to time. For example, our forest was "visited" by a larger herd of elephants in late 2021.
Part of the fencing and unfortunately many trees did not survive this visit - but in the meantime the damage has been repaired and new seedlings planted.
In 2022 - after three years of Corona abstinence - a larger group finally visited the forest again. Especially after this longer period of time, the great development is particularly noticeable.
The Dibella reforestation programme is open to the participation of third parties: customers, partners and suppliers can offset their carbon footprint by owning a piece of forest. The project has already set a precedent. To ensure that it can continue to grow, Dibella has made provisions: the forest area is expandable.
Are you interested in participating in this exciting and nature-oriented project? Please contact us directly and together we will consider how we can support you in implementing your ideas: